
The Rust Lang Book

ULTIMATE Rust Lang Tutorial! - Getting Started
339K views • almost 4 years ago
The ultimate Rust lang tutorial. Follow along as we go through the Rust lang book chapter by chapter. 📝 Get notified when the Rust Cheatsheet comes out: https://www.letsgetrusty.com/cheatsheet The Rust book: https://doc.rust-lang.org/stable/book/ 0:00 Intro 0:52 Installing Rust 1:57 Hello World 3:54 Hello World With Cargo 6:44 Outro #letsgetrusty #rust #tutorial
Programming a Guessing Game in Rust!
127K views • almost 4 years ago
The ultimate Rust lang tutorial. Follow along as we go through the Rust lang book chapter by chapter. 📝 Get notified when the Rust Cheatsheet comes out: https://letsgetrusty.com/ The Rust book: https://doc.rust-lang.org/stable/book/ 0:00 Intro 0:35 Creating Project 1:07 User Input 4:30 Random Numbers 8:44 Game Loop 9:52 Handling Invalid Input 11:42 Adding Color 12:50 Outro #letsgetrusty #rust #tutorial
Common Programming Concepts in Rust
110K views • almost 4 years ago
The ultimate Rust lang tutorial. Follow along as we go through the Rust lang book chapter by chapter. 📝 Get notified when the Rust Cheatsheet comes out: https://letsgetrusty.com/cheatsheet The Rust book: https://doc.rust-lang.org/stable/book/​ 0:00 Intro 0:25 Variables & Mutability 3:52 Data Types 7:45 Functions 10:05 Control Flow 13:45 Comments 14:04 Outro #letsgetrusty​ #rust​lang #tutorial
Understanding Ownership in Rust
274K views • almost 4 years ago
The ultimate Rust lang tutorial. Follow along as we go through the Rust lang book chapter by chapter. 📝 Get your FREE Rust Cheatsheet: https://www.letsgetrusty.com/cheatsheet The Rust book: https://doc.rust-lang.org/stable/book/​ Stack & Heap explanation: https://youtu.be/_8-ht2AKyH4 0:00 Intro 0:40 Ownership Model 4:30 Stack & Heap 6:53 Ownership Rules 7:21 Variable Scope 8:22 Memory & Allocation 10:32 Ownership & Functions 12:23 References & Borrowing 18:34 The Slice Type 24:56 Outro #letsgetrusty​ #rust​lang #tutorial
Structs in Rust
115K views • almost 4 years ago
The ultimate Rust lang tutorial. Follow along as we go through the Rust lang book chapter by chapter. 📝 Get notified when the Rust Cheatsheet comes out: https://letsgetrusty.com/cheatsheet The Rust book: https://doc.rust-lang.org/stable/book/​ 0:00 Intro 0:36 Defining/Using Structs 3:39 Function Constructors 5:13 Reusing Instance Data 6:00 Tuple Structs 7:10 Example Use Case 11:43 Method Syntax 15:11 Associated Functions 16:47 Outro #letsgetrusty​ #rust​lang #tutorial
Enums and Pattern Matching in Rust
94K views • almost 4 years ago
The ultimate Rust lang tutorial. Follow along as we go through the Rust lang book chapter by chapter. 📝 Get notified when the Rust Cheatsheet comes out: https://letsgetrusty.com/cheatsheet The Rust book: https://doc.rust-lang.org/stable/book/​ 0:00 Intro 0:41 Defining Enums 1:48 Enums in Structs 2:37 Values Inside Enums 3:54 Enum Methods 4:16 The Option Enum 6:56 Using Match Expressions 11:01 Using if let Syntax 12:04 Outro #letsgetrusty​ #rust​lang #tutorial
Rust's Module System Explained!
110K views • almost 4 years ago
The ultimate Rust lang tutorial. Follow along as we go through the Rust lang book chapter by chapter. 📝 Get notified when the Rust Cheatsheet comes out: https://letsgetrusty.com/cheatsheet The Rust book: https://doc.rust-lang.org/stable/book/​ 0:00 Intro 2:03 Packages and Crates 4:43 Defining Modules 7:51 Paths 8:29 Module Privacy Rules 13:25 The Use Keyword 17:46 Nested Paths 18:47 The Glob Operator 19:03 Modules in Separate Files 21:40 Outro #letsgetrusty​ #rust​lang #tutorial
Common Collections in Rust
87K views • almost 4 years ago
The ultimate Rust lang tutorial. Follow along as we go through the Rust lang book chapter by chapter. 📝 Get notified when the Rust Cheatsheet comes out: https://letsgetrusty.com/cheatsheet The Rust book: https://doc.rust-lang.org/stable/book/​ 0:00 Intro 0:39 Vectors 10:19 Strings 18:30 Hashmaps 24:21 Outro #letsgetrusty​ #rust​lang #tutorial
Error Handling in Rust
92K views • almost 4 years ago
The ultimate Rust lang tutorial. Follow along as we go through the Rust lang book chapter by chapter. 📝 Get notified when the Rust Cheatsheet comes out: https://letsgetrusty.com/cheatsheet The Rust book: https://doc.rust-lang.org/stable/book/​ 0:00 Intro 0:25 Using panic! 2:23 The Result Enum 8:27 Error Propagation 9:37 The ? Operator 12:43 panic! vs Result 14:17 Custom Types for Validation 15:47 Outro #letsgetrusty​ #rust​lang #tutorial
Generic Types in Rust
75K views • almost 4 years ago
The ultimate Rust lang tutorial. Follow along as we go through the Rust lang book chapter by chapter. 📝 Get notified when the Rust Cheatsheet comes out: https://letsgetrusty.com/cheatsheet The Rust book: https://doc.rust-lang.org/stable/book/​ 0:00 Intro 0:24 Extracting Functions 3:26 Generic Function Arguments 5:50 Generics in Struct Definitions 7:44 Generics in Enum Definitions 8:29 Generics in Method Definitions 14:01 Performance Impact 14:55 Outro #letsgetrusty​ #rust​lang #tutorial
Traits in Rust
109K views • over 3 years ago
The ultimate Rust lang tutorial. Follow along as we go through the Rust lang book chapter by chapter. 📝 Get notified when the Rust Cheatsheet comes out: https://letsgetrusty.com/cheatsheet The Rust book: https://doc.rust-lang.org/stable/book/​ 0:00 Intro 0:23 Defining Traits 1:58 Implementing Traits 2:55 Default Implementations 5:01 Trait Bounds 8:09 Returning Types the Implement Traits 9:23 Conditionally Implement Methods 10:27 Blanket Implementations 10: 53 Outro #letsgetrusty​ #rust​lang #tutorial
Rust Lifetimes Finally Explained!
167K views • over 3 years ago
The ultimate Rust lang tutorial. Follow along as we go through the Rust lang book chapter by chapter. 📝 Get your *FREE Rust Cheat Sheet*: https://www.letsgetrusty.com/cheatsheet The Rust book: https://doc.rust-lang.org/stable/book/​ 0:00 Intro 0:22 The Borrow Checker 3:03 Generical Lifetime Annotations 10:29 Thinking in Terms of Lifetimes 12:25 Lifetime Annotations in Struct Definitions 13:27 Lifetime Elision 15:35 Lifetime Annotations in Method Definitions 17:07 Static Lifetimes 17:27 Putting it All Together 18:33 Outro #letsgetrusty​ #rust​lang #tutorial
Testing in Rust
55K views • over 3 years ago
The ultimate Rust lang tutorial. Follow along as we go through the Rust lang book chapter by chapter. 📝 Get notified when the Rust Cheatsheet comes out: https://letsgetrusty.com/cheatsheet The Rust book: https://doc.rust-lang.org/stable/book/​​ 0:00​ Intro 0:46 Test Example 3:21 Writing a Failing Test 4:25 Testing Product Code 7:55 assert_eq! Macro 9:52 Custom Failure Messages 11:39 Asserting That a Function Panics 14:02 Returning a Result Type 14:33​ Outro #letsgetrusty​​ #rust​lang​ #tutorial
Testing in Rust - Part 2
27K views • over 3 years ago
The ultimate Rust lang tutorial. Follow along as we go through the Rust lang book chapter by chapter. 📝 Get notified when the Rust Cheatsheet comes out: https://letsgetrusty.com/cheatsheet The Rust book: https://doc.rust-lang.org/stable/book/​​ 0:00​ Intro 0:30 Controlling How Tests Run 3:01 Showing Output 4:18 Running a Subset of Tests 5:47 Ignoring Tests 6:47 Test Organization 8:51 Integration Tests 13:33 Outro #letsgetrusty​​ #rust​lang​ #tutorial
Writing a CLI App in Rust! - Part 1
82K views • over 3 years ago
The ultimate Rust lang tutorial. Follow along as we go through the Rust lang book chapter by chapter. 📝 Get the FREE Rust Cheatsheet: https://letsgetrusty.com/cheatsheet The Rust book: https://doc.rust-lang.org/stable/book/​​ 0:00​ Intro 0:42 Accepting Command Line Arguments 3:36 Reading a File 5:40 Refactoring 17:10 Outro #letsgetrusty​​ #rust​lang​ #tutorial
Writing a CLI App in Rust! - Part 2
36K views • over 3 years ago
The ultimate Rust lang tutorial. Follow along as we go through the Rust lang book chapter by chapter. 📝Get the FREE Rust Cheatsheet: https://letsgetrusty.com/cheatsheet The Rust book: https://doc.rust-lang.org/stable/book/​​ 0:00​ Intro 0:34 Test Driven Development 8:49 Environment Variables 14:15 Writing To Standard Error 16:10 Outro #letsgetrusty​​ #rust​lang​ #tutorial
Closures in Rust
82K views • over 3 years ago
The ultimate Rust lang tutorial. Follow along as we go through the Rust lang book chapter by chapter. 📝Get the FREE Rust Cheatsheet: https://letsgetrusty.com/cheatsheet The Rust book: https://doc.rust-lang.org/stable/book/​​ 0:00​ Intro 0:29 What Are Closures? 0:50 Example Program 2:55 Refactoring With Functions 4:07 Refactoring Using Closures 6:31 Type Inference And Annotation 8:06 Generic Parameters And Fn Traits 15:33 Capturing the Environment with Closures 19:12 Outro #letsgetrusty​​ #rust​lang​ #tutorial
Iterators in Rust
55K views • over 3 years ago
The ultimate Rust lang tutorial. Follow along as we go through the Rust lang book chapter by chapter. 📝Get the FREE Rust Cheatsheet: https://letsgetrusty.com/cheatsheet The Rust book: https://doc.rust-lang.org/stable/book/​​ Chapters: 0:00​ Intro 0:33 Processing Items with Iterators 2:32 Iterator Trait and the next Method 4:39 Methods that Consume the Iterator 5:31 Methods that Produce Other Iterators 6:24 Closures that Capture Their Environment 8:42 Creating Our Own Iterators 12:48 Outro #letsgetrusty​​ #rust​lang​ #tutorial
Iterators in Practice
23K views • over 3 years ago
The ultimate Rust lang tutorial. Follow along as we go through the Rust lang book chapter by chapter. 📝Get the FREE Rust Cheatsheet: https://letsgetrusty.com/cheatsheet The Rust book: https://doc.rust-lang.org/stable/book/​​ Chapters: 0:00​ Intro 0:29 Removing a clone Using an Iterator 4:43 Iterator Adaptors 5:57 Loops vs. Iterators 6:36 Outro #letsgetrusty​​ #rust​lang​ #tutorial
Publishing a Rust Crate!
23K views • over 3 years ago
The ultimate Rust lang tutorial. Follow along as we go through the Rust lang book chapter by chapter. 📝Get the FREE Rust Cheatsheet: https://letsgetrusty.com/cheatsheet The Rust book: https://doc.rust-lang.org/stable/book/​​ Chapters: 0:00​ Intro 0:43 Release Profiles 3:00 Documentation Comments 4:32 Commonly Used Sections 5:04 Documentation Comments as Tests 5:50 Commenting Contained Items 6:29 Exporting a Public API 8:44 Setting up Creates.io Account 9:54 Adding Metadata to a New Create 12:14 Publishing to Crates.io 12:49 Removing Version from Crates.io 13:37 Outro #letsgetrusty​​ #rust​lang​ #tutorial
Cargo Workspaces
24K views • over 3 years ago
The ultimate Rust lang tutorial. Follow along as we go through the Rust lang book chapter by chapter. 📝Get the FREE Rust Cheatsheet: https://letsgetrusty.com/cheatsheet The Rust book: https://doc.rust-lang.org/stable/book/​​ Chapters: 0:00​ Intro 1:05 Creating a Workspace 2:58 Creating Second Package in Workspace 4:49 External Dependencies 7:05 Adding a Test to a Workspace 9:19 Installing Binaries from Crates.io 10:57 Extending Cargo with Custom Commands 11:28 Outro #letsgetrusty​​ #rust​lang​ #tutorial
The Box Smart Pointer in Rust
76K views • over 3 years ago
The ultimate Rust lang tutorial. Follow along as we go through the Rust lang book chapter by chapter. 📝Get the FREE Rust Cheat Sheet: https://letsgetrusty.com/cheatsheet The Rust book: https://doc.rust-lang.org/stable/book/​​ Chapters: 0:00​ Intro 0:29 Pointers, References, and Smart Pointers 2:38 Using a Box to Store Data 4:43 Enabling Recursive Types with Boxes 11:53 Outro #letsgetrusty​​ #rust​lang​ #tutorial
Smart Pointers in Rust - The Deref Trait
37K views • over 3 years ago
The ultimate Rust lang tutorial. Follow along as we go through the Rust lang book chapter by chapter. 📝 Get notified when the Rust Cheatsheet comes out: https://letsgetrusty.com/ The Rust book: https://doc.rust-lang.org/stable/book/​​ Chapters: 0:00​ Intro 0:34 Dereference Operator 2:01 Using Box Like a Reference 2:59 Defining Our Own Smart Pointer 4:21 Implementing the Deref Trait 6:40 Implicit Deref Coercions 8:46 Deref Coercion and Mutability 9:38 Outro #letsgetrusty​​ #rust​lang​ #tutorial
Smart Pointers in Rust - The Drop Trait
19K views • over 3 years ago
The ultimate Rust lang tutorial. Follow along as we go through the Rust lang book chapter by chapter. 📝 Get notified when the Rust Cheatsheet comes out: https://letsgetrusty.com/ The Rust book: https://doc.rust-lang.org/stable/book/​​ Chapters: 0:00​ Intro 0:32 The Drop Trait 2:59 Drop Method with std::mem::drop 4:43 Outro #letsgetrusty​​ #rust​lang​ #tutorial
Smart Pointers in Rust - Reference Counting
27K views • over 3 years ago
The ultimate Rust lang tutorial. Follow along as we go through the Rust lang book chapter by chapter. 📝 Get notified when the Rust Cheatsheet comes out: https://letsgetrusty.com/ The Rust book: https://doc.rust-lang.org/stable/book/​​ Chapters: 0:00​ Intro 0:30 Reference Counted Smart Pointer 2:07 Using Rc to Share Data 6:20 Increasing the Reference Count 8:17 Outro #letsgetrusty​​ #rust​lang​ #tutorial
Smart Pointers in Rust - Interior Mutability
45K views • over 3 years ago
The ultimate Rust lang tutorial. Follow along as we go through the Rust lang book chapter by chapter. 📝 Get notified when the Rust Cheatsheet comes out: https://letsgetrusty.com/ The Rust book: https://doc.rust-lang.org/stable/book/​​ Chapters: 0:00​ Intro 1:09 Enforcing Borrowing Rules at Runtime 3:36 Interior Mutability Pattern 5:31 Interior Mutability: Mock Objects 13:00 Borrowing Rules with RefCell 14:07 Combining Rc and RefCell 16:41 Outro #letsgetrusty​​ #rust​lang​ #tutorial
Smart Pointers in Rust - Reference Cycles
23K views • over 3 years ago
The ultimate Rust lang tutorial. Follow along as we go through the Rust lang book chapter by chapter. 📝 Get notified when the Rust Cheatsheet comes out: https://letsgetrusty.com/ The Rust book: https://doc.rust-lang.org/stable/book/​​ Chapters: 0:00​ Intro 1:18 Creating a Reference Cycle 7:57 Creating a Tree Data Structure 9:13 Adding Reference from Child to Its Parent 12:34 strong_count and weak_count 14:56 Outro #letsgetrusty​​ #rust​lang​ #tutorial
Concurrency in Rust - Creating Threads
58K views • over 3 years ago
The ultimate Rust lang tutorial. Follow along as we go through the Rust lang book chapter by chapter. 📝 Get notified when the Rust Cheatsheet comes out: https://letsgetrusty.com/cheatsheet The Rust book: https://doc.rust-lang.org/stable/book/​​ Chapters: 0:00​ Intro 1:21 Using Threads 4:24 Creating a New Thread with spawn 6:32 Using Join Handles 7:56 Using move Closures with Threads 10:13 Outro #letsgetrusty​​ #rust​lang​ #tutorial
Concurrency in Rust - Message Passing
43K views • over 3 years ago
The ultimate Rust lang tutorial. Follow along as we go through the Rust lang book chapter by chapter. 📝 Get notified when the Rust Cheatsheet comes out: https://letsgetrusty.com/cheatsheet The Rust book: https://doc.rust-lang.org/stable/book/​​ Chapters: 0:00​ Intro 0:38 Transfer Data Between Threads 5:54 Channels and Ownership Transference 6:43 Sending Multiple Values 7:46 Creating Multiple Producers 8:56 Outro #letsgetrusty​​ #rust​lang​ #tutorial
Concurrency in Rust - Sharing State
38K views • over 3 years ago
The ultimate Rust lang tutorial. Follow along as we go through the Rust lang book chapter by chapter. 📝 Get notified when the Rust Cheatsheet comes out: https://letsgetrusty.com/cheatsheet The Rust book: https://doc.rust-lang.org/book/ Chapters: 0:00​ Intro 0:50 The API of Mutex 4:18 Sharing Mutex Between Multiple Threads 5:43 Multiple Ownership with Multiple Threads 7:47 RefCell /Rc and Mutex /Arc 8:14 Sync and Send Traits 8:40 Outro #letsgetrusty​​ #rust​lang​ #tutorial
Object Oriented Programming in Rust
44K views • over 3 years ago
The ultimate Rust lang tutorial. Follow along as we go through the Rust lang book chapter by chapter. 📝 Get notified when the Rust Cheatsheet comes out: https://letsgetrusty.com/cheatsheet The Rust book: https://doc.rust-lang.org/stable/book/​​ Chapters: 0:00​ Intro 00:59 Objects 1:18 Encapsulation 4:24 Inheritance 6:31 Outro #letsgetrusty​​ #rust​lang​ #tutorial
Using Trait Objects in Rust
42K views • over 3 years ago
The ultimate Rust lang tutorial. Follow along as we go through the Rust lang book chapter by chapter. 📝 Get notified when the Rust Cheatsheet comes out: https://letsgetrusty.com/cheatsheet The Rust book: https://doc.rust-lang.org/stable/book/​​ Chapters: 0:00​ Intro 00:37 Trait for Common Behavior 5:45 Implementing the Trait 10:46 Static vs Dynamic Dispatch 12:23 Object Safety for Trait Objects 13:03 Outro #letsgetrusty​​ #rust​lang​ #tutorial
State Design Pattern in Rust
45K views • over 3 years ago
The ultimate Rust lang tutorial. Follow along as we go through the Rust lang book chapter by chapter. 📝 Get notified when the Rust Cheatsheet comes out: https://letsgetrusty.com/cheatsheet The Rust book: https://doc.rust-lang.org/stable/book/​​ Chapters: 0:00​ Intro 0:27 Object-Oriented Design Pattern 3:00 Defining Post 5:15 Storing Text 6:18 Content Method 6:59 Requesting a Review 10:27 Adding the Approve Method 14:48 Trade-offs of the State Pattern 15:48 Encoding States and Behavior as Types 19:39 Outro #letsgetrusty​​ #rust​lang​ #tutorial
Patterns and Matching
17K views • over 3 years ago
The ultimate Rust lang tutorial. Follow along as we go through the Rust lang book chapter by chapter. 📝 Get your FREE Rust cheat sheet: https://letsgetrusty.com/cheatsheet The Rust book: https://doc.rust-lang.org/stable/book/​​ Chapters: 0:00​ Intro 0:53 match Arms 2:38 Conditional if let Expressions 5:01 while let Conditional Loops 5:37 for Loops 6:00 let Statements 7:22 Function Parameters 7:43 Irrefutable and Refutable patterns 9:25 Outro #letsgetrusty​​ #rust​lang​ #tutorial
Pattern Syntax in Rust
23K views • about 3 years ago
The ultimate Rust lang tutorial. Follow along as we go through the Rust lang book chapter by chapter. 📝 Get your FREE Rust cheat sheet: https://letsgetrusty.com/cheatsheet The Rust book: https://doc.rust-lang.org/stable/book/​​ Chapters: 0:00​ Intro 0:28 Matching Literals 0:53 Matching Named Variables 2:11 Multiple Patterns 2:36 Matching Ranges of Values 3:00 Destructuring to Break Apart Values 7:03 Ignoring Values in a Pattern 11:26 Match Guards 13:32 @ Bindings 14:43 Outro #letsgetrusty​​ #rust​lang​ #tutorial
Writing Unsafe Rust
28K views • about 3 years ago
The ultimate Rust lang tutorial. Follow along as we go through the Rust lang book chapter by chapter. 📝 Get your FREE Rust cheat sheet: https://letsgetrusty.com/cheatsheet The Rust book: https://doc.rust-lang.org/stable/book/​​ Chapters: 0:00​ Intro 0:27 Unsafe Superpowers 2:32 Dereferencing a Raw Pointer 5:46 Calling Unsafe Function or Method 6:49 Creating a Safe Abstraction 10:35 extern Functions to Call External Code 12:09 Accessing or Modifying Mutable Static Variable 14:02 Implementing an Unsafe Trait 14:19 Accessing Fields of a Union 14:41 When to Use Unsafe Code 14:52 Outro #letsgetrusty​​ #rust​lang​ #tutorial
Advanced Traits in Rust
43K views • about 3 years ago
The ultimate Rust lang tutorial. Follow along as we go through the Rust lang book chapter by chapter. 📝 Get your FREE Rust cheat sheet: https://letsgetrusty.com/cheatsheet The Rust book: https://doc.rust-lang.org/stable/book/​​ Chapters: 0:00​ Intro 0:43 Associated Types 4:20 Default Generic Type Parameters 7:17 Calling Methods with the Same Name 10:15 Supertraits 11:44 Newtype Pattern 12:59 Outro #letsgetrusty​​ #rust​lang​ #tutorial
Advanced Types in Rust
24K views • about 3 years ago
The ultimate Rust lang tutorial. Follow along as we go through the Rust lang book chapter by chapter. 📝 Get your FREE Rust cheat sheet: https://letsgetrusty.com/cheatsheet The Rust book: https://doc.rust-lang.org/stable/book/​​ Chapters: 0:00​ Intro 0:22 Newtype Pattern 2:22 Type Aliases 3:34 Never Type 5:36 Dynamically Sized Types 8:02 Outro #letsgetrusty​​ #rust​lang​ #tutorial
Advanced Function and Closures in Rust
22K views • about 3 years ago
The ultimate Rust lang tutorial. Follow along as we go through the Rust lang book chapter by chapter. 📝 Get your FREE Rust cheat sheet: https://letsgetrusty.com/cheatsheet The Rust book: https://doc.rust-lang.org/stable/book/​​ Chapters: 0:00​ Intro 0:22 Function Pointers 5:17 Returning Closures 7:19 Outro #letsgetrusty​​ #rust​lang​ #tutorial
Declarative Macros in Rust
37K views • about 3 years ago
The ultimate Rust lang tutorial. Follow along as we go through the Rust lang book chapter by chapter. 📝 Get your FREE Rust cheat sheet: https://letsgetrusty.com/cheatsheet The Rust book: https://doc.rust-lang.org/stable/book/ The Little Book of Rust Macros: https://veykril.github.io/tlborm/ WARNING: This book hasn't been updated in 6 years. Chapters: 0:00​ Intro 0:18 Macros and Functions Difference 1:48 Declarative Macros 6:20 Outro #letsgetrusty​​ #rust​lang​ #tutorial
Procedural Macros in Rust
46K views • about 3 years ago
The ultimate Rust lang tutorial. Follow along as we go through the Rust lang book chapter by chapter. 📝 Get your FREE Rust cheat sheet: https://letsgetrusty.com/cheatsheet The Rust book: https://doc.rust-lang.org/stable/book/​​ Chapters: 0:00​ Intro 0:42 Procedural Macros 9:09 Attribute-like macros 10:19 Function-like macros 10:58 Outro #letsgetrusty​​ #rust​lang​ #tutorial
Building a Web Server in Rust - Part 1
94K views • about 3 years ago
The ultimate Rust lang tutorial. Follow along as we go through the Rust lang book chapter by chapter. 📝 Get your FREE Rust cheat sheet: https://letsgetrusty.com/cheatsheet The Rust book: https://doc.rust-lang.org/stable/book/​​ TCP/IP Model: https://youtu.be/OTwp3xtd4dg HTTP Crash Course: https://youtu.be/iYM2zFP3Zn0 Chapters: 0:00​ Intro 0:48 Listening to the TCP Connection 4:47 Reading the Request 8:40 Writing a Response 10:28 Returning Real HTML 12:05 Validating the Request 13:48 Refactoring 15:30 Outro #letsgetrusty​​ #rust​lang​ #tutorial
Building a Web Server in Rust - Part 2
33K views • about 3 years ago
The ultimate Rust lang tutorial. Follow along as we go through the Rust lang book chapter by chapter. 📝 Get your FREE Rust cheat sheet: https://letsgetrusty.com/cheatsheet The Rust book: https://doc.rust-lang.org/stable/book/​​ Chapters: 0:00​ Intro 0:45 Simulating a Slow Request 3:06 Using a Thread Pool 3:58 Thread for Each Request 4:44 Finite Number of Threads 5:33 Compiler Driven Development 9:02 Validating the Number of Threads 9:40 Creating Space to Store the Threads 10:51 Worker Struct 13:00 Sending Requests via Channels 16:21 Implementing the execute Method 19:59 Outro #letsgetrusty​​ #rust​lang​ #tutorial
Building a Web Server in Rust - Part 3
21K views • about 3 years ago
The ultimate Rust lang tutorial. Follow along as we go through the Rust lang book chapter by chapter. 📝 Get your FREE Rust cheat sheet: https://letsgetrusty.com/cheatsheet The Rust book: https://doc.rust-lang.org/stable/book/​​ Chapters: 0:00​ Intro 0:39 Implementing Drop Trait on ThreadPool 3:26 Signaling to the Threads 7:36 Outro #letsgetrusty​​ #rust​lang​ #tutorial