
East and South Asia

Geography Now! Cambodia
1.6M views • over 9 years ago
TURN DOWN FOR "WAT?!?!" http://facebook.com/GeographyNowFanpage http://instagram.com/GeographyNow_Official http://twitter.com/GeographyNow Become a patron! Donate anything and Get exclusive behind the scenes footage! All profits go towards helping me pay my rent so I can focus more of doing GN videos. Go to: http://patreon.com/GeographyNow
Geography Now! Brunei
1.9M views • over 9 years ago
No seriously, look it up. Flying Snakes. I'm not even joking. http://facebook.com/GeographyNowFanpage http://instagram.com/Paulbarbato http://twitter.com/GeographyNow Become a patron! Donate anything and Get exclusive behind the scenes footage! All profits go towards helping me pay my rent so I can focus more of doing GN videos. Go to: http://patreon.com/GeographyNow
Geography Now! Bhutan
2M views • over 9 years ago
No but seriously. Look up those deer with fangs. Cool stuff http://facebook.com/GeographyNowFanpage http://instagram.com/GeographyNow_Official http://twitter.com/GeographyNow Become a patron! Donate anything and Get exclusive behind the scenes footage! All profits go towards helping me pay my rent so I can focus more of doing GN videos. Go to: http://patreon.com/GeographyNow
Geography Now! Bangladesh
3M views • over 9 years ago
Aaaaaaaannnnnnnnd welcome to the delta. http://facebook.com/GeographyNowFanpage http://instagram.com/Paulbarbato http://twitter.com/GeographyNow Become a patron! Donate anything and Get exclusive behind the scenes footage! All profits go towards helping me pay my rent so I can focus more of doing GN videos. Go to: http://patreon.com/GeographyNow
Geography Now! China
6.3M views • almost 9 years ago
Wow, we did this entire episode without even mentioning the Great wall of China. THANKS TO http://www.24houranswers.com for sponsoring Geography Now! 24 Hour answers is the best online tutoring/ homework help website EVER! They've helped over 1/2 a million people in the past 10 years and most of the instructors hold on the site have at least a Master's degree. This page is PROVEN to be 20-30% cheaper than other sites AND if you submit a request today you can get an ADDITIONAL 15% off by using the discount code LF3MP! Once again check them out! http://www.24houranswers.com http://facebook.com/GeographyNowFanpage http://instagram.com/GeographyNow_Off... http://twitter.com/GeographyNow Become a patron! Donate anything and Get exclusive behind the scenes footage! All profits go towards helping my dad and his medical costs/ parent's living expenses since they are no longer working and need support. http://patreon.com/GeographyNow
Geography Now! East Timor
2M views • over 8 years ago
Let's get a little Portuguese up in here....in Asia. Clips of East Timor can be found at these AMAZING channels and documentaries on East Timor: Journeyman pictures Video: http://bit.ly/2ayT33n Subscribe to them here: http://bit.ly/2asDvgv Destination Thailand Video http://bit.ly/2aOk1sq Subscribe to them here: http://bit.ly/2afYHuG DW (English) Video http://bit.ly/2b0xWrB Subscribe to them here: http://bit.ly/2afYIiA SUBSCRIBE: http://bit.ly/1Os7W46 BTS info and tidbits? Check out the Facebook fan page: https://www.facebook.com/GeographyNowFanpage/?fref=ts Twitter: https://twitter.com/geographynow Instagram: http://instagram.com/GeographyNow_Official Become a patron! Donate anything and Get exclusive behind the scenes footage! All profits go towards helping my dad and his medical costs/ parent's living expenses since they are no longer working and need support. http://patreon.com/GeographyNow WATCH MORE: Countries A to Z: http://bit.ly/1T8Z9JY Europe: http://bit.ly/1YoRaIB ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to Geography Now! This is the first and only Youtube Channel that actively attempts to cover profiles on every single country of the world. We are going to do them alphabetically so be patient if you are waiting for one that's down the road. CONTACT US if you are from a country that is coming up! Teach us! Also we do fan appreciation videos after every group of 4 country videos. If you'd like to take part send us your picture/ art/ video submissions to GeographyLater@gmail.com (Remember, for videos, you have to State your name, location and sing the intro song!) Stay cool Stay tuned and remember, this is Earth, your home. Learn about it.
Geography Now! India
5.6M views • over 7 years ago
Wow. I had to condense this video as much as possible, missed out on mentioning so many things and it STILL came out to nearly 20 minutes long. India is THAT complex. We now have a Public mailbox! Feel free to send anything via mail! Our public mailbox address is: 1905 N Wilcox ave, #432 Los Angeles CA, 90068 SUBSCRIBE: http://bit.ly/1Os7W46 BTS info and tidbits? Check out the Facebook fan page: https://www.facebook.com/GeographyNowFanpage/?fref=ts Twitter: https://twitter.com/geographynow Instagram: http://instagram.com/GeographyNow_Official Become a patron! Donate to help pay for production of GN! Brandon the Cameraman, as well as Ken and Ally, the Graphics team interns. You also get exclusive BTS footage, pics/ and access to other perks! Go to: http://patreon.com/GeographyNow WATCH MORE: Countries A to Z: http://bit.ly/1T8Z9JY Europe: http://bit.ly/1YoRaIB ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to Geography Now! This is the first and only Youtube Channel that actively attempts to cover profiles on every single country of the world. We are going to do them alphabetically so be patient if you are waiting for one that's down the road. CONTACT US if you are from a country that is coming up! Teach us! Email: GeographyLater@gmail.com Stay cool Stay tuned and remember, this is Earth, your home. Learn about it.
Geography Now! Indonesia
7.3M views • over 7 years ago
So many things I didn't get to mention or elaborate on, but in a nutshell, Indonesia is basically the "Kingpin" of Southeast Asia. It's big, lush, and full of vibrant people you should learn about! Enjoy! We now have a Public mailbox! Feel free to send anything via mail! Our public mailbox address is: 1905 N Wilcox ave, # 432 Los Angeles CA, 90068 SUBSCRIBE: http://bit.ly/1Os7W46 BTS info and tidbits? Check out the Facebook fan page: https://www.facebook.com/GeographyNowFanpage/?fref=ts Twitter: https://twitter.com/geographynow Instagram: http://instagram.com/GeographyNow_Official Become a patron! Donate to help pay for production of GN! Brandon the Cameraman, as well as Ken and Ally, the Graphics team interns. You also get exclusive BTS footage, pics/ and access to other perks! Go to: http://patreon.com/GeographyNow WATCH MORE: Countries A to Z: http://bit.ly/1T8Z9JY Europe: http://bit.ly/1YoRaIB ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to Geography Now! This is the first and only Youtube Channel that actively attempts to cover profiles on every single country of the world. We are going to do them alphabetically so be patient if you are waiting for one that's down the road. CONTACT US if you are from a country that is coming up! Teach us! Email: GeographyLater@gmail.com Stay cool Stay tuned and remember, this is Earth, your home. Learn about it. #Indonesia #Asia #Info #Travel
Geography Now! Japan
7.5M views • about 7 years ago
Countries like this are a little challenging because I have to find info on things people don't already know about. Japan is popular. Let's see if we can accomplish that. LET'S SUPER HARASSMENT SANDWICH!! We now have a Public mailbox! Feel free to send anything via mail! Our public mailbox address is: 1905 N Wilcox ave, # 432 Los Angeles CA, 90068 SUBSCRIBE: http://bit.ly/1Os7W46 BTS info and tidbits? Check out the Facebook fan page: https://www.facebook.com/GeographyNowFanpage/?fref=ts Twitter: https://twitter.com/geographynow Instagram: http://instagram.com/GeographyNow_Official Become a patron! Donate to help pay for production of GN! Brandon the Cameraman, as well as Ken the graphics guy. You also get exclusive BTS footage, pics/ and access to other perks! Go to: http://patreon.com/GeographyNow WATCH MORE: Countries A to Z: http://bit.ly/1T8Z9JY Europe: http://bit.ly/1YoRaIB ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to Geography Now! This is the first and only Youtube Channel that actively attempts to cover profiles on every single country of the world. We are going to do them alphabetically so be patient if you are waiting for one that's down the road. CONTACT US if you are from a country that is coming up! Teach us! Email: GeographyLater@gmail.com Stay cool Stay tuned and remember, this is Earth, your home. Learn about it. #Japan #Asia #travel #interesting #info
Geography Now! North Korea (DPRK)
6.3M views • about 7 years ago
Yep. This country. You've heard of it. And yes, it was still much easier than the Israel episode. By the way the awesome jacket in this video was given by LINDBERGH! Check out their line here: http://Lindberghshop.com We now have a Public mailbox! Feel free to send anything via mail! Our public mailbox address is: 1905 N Wilcox ave, # 432 Los Angeles CA, 90068 SUBSCRIBE: http://bit.ly/1Os7W46 BTS info and tidbits? Check out the Facebook fan page: https://www.facebook.com/GeographyNowFanpage/?fref=ts Twitter: https://twitter.com/geographynow Instagram: http://instagram.com/GeographyNow_Official Become a patron! Donate to help pay for production of GN! Brandon the Cameraman, as well as Ken the graphics guy. You also get exclusive BTS footage, pics/ and access to other perks! Go to: http://patreon.com/GeographyNow WATCH MORE: Countries A to Z: http://bit.ly/1T8Z9JY Europe: http://bit.ly/1YoRaIB ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to Geography Now! This is the first and only Youtube Channel that actively attempts to cover profiles on every single country of the world. We are going to do them alphabetically so be patient if you are waiting for one that's down the road. CONTACT US if you are from a country that is coming up! Teach us! Email: GeographyLater@gmail.com Stay cool Stay tuned and remember, this is Earth, your home. Learn about it. #Korea #NorthKorea #Travel #interesting #info
Geography Now! SOUTH KOREA (ROK)
3.5M views • about 7 years ago
Watch to the end before credits. As you know this episode was kind of important to me as I'm half Korean. My incredible mom makes a guest appearance. Oh and she can probably beat up your mom. The amazing shirt in this video is provided by LINDBERGH! Thanks guys Check them out at http://www.lindberghshop.com/ We now have a Public mailbox! Feel free to send anything via mail! Our public mailbox address is: 1905 N Wilcox ave, # 432 Los Angeles CA, 90068 SUBSCRIBE: http://bit.ly/1Os7W46 BTS info and tidbits? Check out the Facebook fan page: https://www.facebook.com/GeographyNowFanpage/?fref=ts Twitter: https://twitter.com/geographynow Instagram: http://instagram.com/GeographyNow_Official Become a patron! Donate to help pay for production of GN! Brandon the Cameraman, as well as Ken the graphics guy. You also get exclusive BTS footage, pics/ and access to other perks! Go to: http://patreon.com/GeographyNow WATCH MORE: Countries A to Z: http://bit.ly/1T8Z9JY Europe: http://bit.ly/1YoRaIB ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to Geography Now! This is the first and only Youtube Channel that actively attempts to cover profiles on every single country of the world. We are going to do them alphabetically so be patient if you are waiting for one that's down the road. CONTACT US if you are from a country that is coming up! Teach us! Email: GeographyLater@gmail.com Stay cool Stay tuned and remember, this is Earth, your home. Learn about it. #SouthKorea #Asia #Korea #Travel #interesting #info
Geography Now! LAOS
1.5M views • almost 7 years ago
No but seriously, what is up with those fireballs? Check out http://www.GeographyNow.com ! You asked for merch so we made it for you! We now have a Public mailbox too! Feel free to send anything via mail! Our public mailbox address is: 1905 N Wilcox ave, # 432 Los Angeles CA, 90068 SUBSCRIBE: http://bit.ly/1Os7W46 BTS info and tidbits? Check out the Facebook fan page: https://www.facebook.com/GeographyNowFanpage/?fref=ts Twitter: https://twitter.com/geographynow Instagram: http://instagram.com/GeographyNow_Official Become a patron! Donate to help pay for production of GN includin Ken's salary. You also get exclusive BTS footage, pics/ and access to other perks! Go to: http://patreon.com/GeographyNow WATCH MORE: Countries A to Z: http://bit.ly/1T8Z9JY Europe: http://bit.ly/1YoRaIB ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to Geography Now! This is the first and only Youtube Channel that actively attempts to cover profiles on every single country of the world. We are going to do them alphabetically so be patient if you are waiting for one that's down the road. CONTACT US if you are from a country that is coming up! Teach us! Email: GeographyLater@gmail.com Stay cool Stay tuned and remember, this is Earth, your home. Learn about it. #Laos #Asia #Travel #interesting #info
Geography Now! MALAYSIA
3.5M views • over 6 years ago
From shining towers to lush rich jungles, we've reached #Malaysia. ...But seriously though. What is up with those proboscis monkeys? Check out http://www.GeographyNow.com ! You asked for merch so we made it for you! We now have a Public mailbox too! Feel free to send anything via mail! Our public mailbox address is: 1905 N Wilcox ave, # 432 Los Angeles CA, 90068 SUBSCRIBE: http://bit.ly/1Os7W46 BTS info and tidbits? Check out the Facebook fan page: https://www.facebook.com/GeographyNowFanpage/?fref=ts Twitter: https://twitter.com/geographynow Instagram: http://instagram.com/GeographyNow_Official Become a patron! Donate to help pay for production of GN includin Ken's salary. You also get exclusive BTS footage, pics/ and access to other perks! Go to: http://patreon.com/GeographyNow WATCH MORE: Countries A to Z: http://bit.ly/1T8Z9JY Europe: http://bit.ly/1YoRaIB ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to Geography Now! This is the first and only Youtube Channel that actively attempts to cover profiles on every single country of the world. We are going to do them alphabetically so be patient if you are waiting for one that's down the road. CONTACT US if you are from a country that is coming up! Teach us! Email: GeographyLater@gmail.com Stay cool Stay tuned and remember, this is Earth, your home. Learn about it. #Malaysia #Asia #Travel #info
Geography Now! MALDIVES
1.3M views • over 6 years ago
For the world's lowest country they sure have HIGH expectiations! ...and prices. Check out MALDIVES! Check out http://www.GeographyNow.com ! You asked for merch so we made it for you! We now have a Public mailbox too! Feel free to send anything via mail! Our public mailbox address is: 1905 N Wilcox ave, # 432 Los Angeles CA, 90068 SUBSCRIBE: http://bit.ly/1Os7W46 BTS info and tidbits? Check out the Facebook fan page: https://www.facebook.com/GeographyNowFanpage/?fref=ts Twitter: https://twitter.com/geographynow Instagram: http://instagram.com/GeographyNow_Official Become a patron! Donate to help pay for production of GN includin Ken's salary. You also get exclusive BTS footage, pics/ and access to other perks! Go to: http://patreon.com/GeographyNow WATCH MORE: Countries A to Z: http://bit.ly/1T8Z9JY Europe: http://bit.ly/1YoRaIB ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to Geography Now! This is the first and only Youtube Channel that actively attempts to cover profiles on every single country of the world. We are going to do them alphabetically so be patient if you are waiting for one that's down the road. CONTACT US if you are from a country that is coming up! Teach us! Email: GeographyLater@gmail.com Stay cool Stay tuned and remember, this is Earth, your home. Learn about it. #Maldives #travel #info #Asia
Geography Now! MONGOLIA
2.5M views • about 6 years ago
about 3 million people that hold a secret to about 3 billion people. Find out in...#MONGOLIA! Check out http://www.GeographyNow.com ! You asked for merch so we made it for you! We now have a Public mailbox too! Feel free to send anything via mail! Our public mailbox address is: 1905 N Wilcox ave, # 432 Los Angeles CA, 90068 SUBSCRIBE: http://bit.ly/1Os7W46 BTS info and tidbits? Check out the Facebook fan page: https://www.facebook.com/GeographyNowFanpage/?fref=ts Twitter: https://twitter.com/geographynow Instagram: http://instagram.com/GeographyNow_Official Become a patron! Donate to help pay for production of GN includin Ken's salary. You also get exclusive BTS footage, pics/ and access to other perks! Go to: http://patreon.com/GeographyNow WATCH MORE: Countries A to Z: http://bit.ly/1T8Z9JY Europe: http://bit.ly/1YoRaIB ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to Geography Now! This is the first and only Youtube Channel that actively attempts to cover profiles on every single country of the world. We are going to do them alphabetically so be patient if you are waiting for one that's down the road. CONTACT US if you are from a country that is coming up! Teach us! Email: GeographyLater@gmail.com Stay cool Stay tuned and remember, this is Earth, your home. Learn about it. #Mongolia #Asia #Cool #info
Geography Now! MYANMAR
1.7M views • about 6 years ago
This episode is not just "Myanmar" it's "Our-anmar" Enjoy People featured in this video: Ken: - https://bit.ly/2VMRs1I Kaleb- https://bit.ly/2sgielp Jilian- https://bit.ly/2CcJc1I Noah - https://bit.ly/2FkdNh8 Keith - https://bit.ly/2CXFSJI Check out http://www.GeographyNow.com ! You asked for merch so we made it for you! We now have a Public mailbox too! Feel free to send anything via mail! Our public mailbox address is: 1905 N Wilcox ave, # 432 Los Angeles CA, 90068 SUBSCRIBE: http://bit.ly/1Os7W46 BTS info and tidbits? Check out the Facebook fan page: https://www.facebook.com/GeographyNowFanpage/?fref=ts Twitter: https://twitter.com/geographynow Instagram: http://instagram.com/GeographyNow_Official Become a patron! Donate to help pay for production of GN including Ken's salary. You also get exclusive BTS footage, pics/ and access to other perks! Go to: http://patreon.com/GeographyNow WATCH MORE: Countries A to Z: http://bit.ly/1T8Z9JY Europe: http://bit.ly/1YoRaIB ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to Geography Now! This is the first and only Youtube Channel that actively attempts to cover profiles on every single country of the world. We are going to do them alphabetically so be patient if you are waiting for one that's down the road. CONTACT US if you are from a country that is coming up! Teach us! Email: GeographyLater@gmail.com Stay cool Stay tuned and remember, this is Earth, your home. Learn about it. #Myanmar #Asia #Cool #Facts #Info #Burma
Geography Now! NEPAL
2.1M views • almost 6 years ago
Can you imagine putting "living goddess" on your resume? Check out http://www.GeographyNow.com ! You asked for merch so we made it for you! We now have a Public mailbox too! Feel free to send anything via mail! Our public mailbox address is: 1905 N Wilcox ave, # 432 Los Angeles CA, 90068 SUBSCRIBE: http://bit.ly/1Os7W46 BTS info and tidbits? Check out the Facebook fan page: https://www.facebook.com/GeographyNowFanpage/?fref=ts Twitter: https://twitter.com/geographynow Instagram: http://instagram.com/GeographyNow_Official Become a patron! Donate to help pay for production of GN including Ken's salary. You also get exclusive BTS footage, pics/ and access to other perks! Go to: http://patreon.com/GeographyNow WATCH MORE: Countries A to Z: http://bit.ly/1T8Z9JY Europe: http://bit.ly/1YoRaIB ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to Geography Now! This is the first and only Youtube Channel that actively attempts to cover profiles on every single country of the world. We are going to do them alphabetically so be patient if you are waiting for one that's down the road. CONTACT US if you are from a country that is coming up! Teach us! Email: GeographyLater@gmail.com Stay cool Stay tuned and remember, this is Earth, your home. Learn about it. #Nepal #Asia #Travel #info
Geography Now! PAKISTAN
3.5M views • over 5 years ago
Pak your bags and stan-d in line for some cool info. Thanks Noah, Keith, Hannah, Ryan and Lorenzo for helping, Check out their Instagrams here: Noah: https://bit.ly/2FkdNh8 Hannah: https://bit.ly/2VqculH Keith: https://bit.ly/2CXFSJI Ryan: https://bit.ly/2F8R9HQ Lorenzo: https://bit.ly/2XkSyoN Check out http://www.GeographyNow.com ! You asked for merch so we made it for you! We now have a Public mailbox too! Feel free to send anything via mail! Our public mailbox address is: 1905 N Wilcox ave, # 432 Los Angeles CA, 90068 SUBSCRIBE: http://bit.ly/1Os7W46 BTS info and tidbits? Check out the Facebook fan page: https://www.facebook.com/GeographyNowFanpage/?fref=ts Twitter: https://twitter.com/geographynow Instagram: http://instagram.com/GeographyNow_Official Become a patron! Donate to help pay for production of GN including Ken's salary. You also get exclusive BTS footage, pics/ and access to other perks! Go to: http://patreon.com/GeographyNow WATCH MORE: Countries A to Z: http://bit.ly/1T8Z9JY Europe: http://bit.ly/1YoRaIB ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to Geography Now! This is the first and only Youtube Channel that actively attempts to cover profiles on every single country of the world. We are going to do them alphabetically so be patient if you are waiting for one that's down the road. CONTACT US if you are from a country that is coming up! Teach us! Email: GeographyLater@gmail.com Stay cool Stay tuned and remember, this is Earth, your home. Learn about it. #Info #cool #Travel #Asia
Geography Now! Philippines
4.6M views • about 5 years ago
You Filipino Geograpeeps said you could dethrone Germany by making THIS episode the most watched. Let's see if you can make that happen. Thanks guest stars! Check out their instagrams here: Ken: https://bit.ly/2VMRs1I Kaleb: https://bit.ly/2sgielp Noah: https://bit.ly/2FkdNh8 Hannah: https://bit.ly/2VqculH Keith: https://bit.ly/2CXFSJI Check out http://www.GeographyNow.com ! You asked for merch so we made it for you! We now have a Public mailbox too! Feel free to send anything via mail! Our public mailbox address is: 1905 N Wilcox ave, # 432 Los Angeles CA, 90068 SUBSCRIBE: http://bit.ly/1Os7W46 BTS info and tidbits? Check out the Facebook fan page: https://www.facebook.com/GeographyNowFanpage/?fref=ts Twitter: https://twitter.com/geographynow Instagram: http://instagram.com/GeographyNow_Official Become a patron! Donate to help pay for production of GN including Ken's salary. You also get exclusive BTS footage, pics/ and access to other perks! Go to: http://patreon.com/GeographyNow WATCH MORE: Countries A to Z: http://bit.ly/1T8Z9JY Europe: http://bit.ly/1YoRaIB ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to Geography Now! This is the first and only Youtube Channel that actively attempts to cover profiles on every single country of the world. We are going to do them alphabetically so be patient if you are waiting for one that's down the road. CONTACT US if you are from a country that is coming up! Teach us! Email: GeographyLater@gmail.com Stay cool Stay tuned and remember, this is Earth, your home. Learn about it. #Philippines #Asia #Travel #info
Geography Now! SINGAPORE
1.7M views • about 3 years ago
From Sentosa to Kaya-toast...lah. From Marina bay to Char Kway...tiao. I tried. #Singapore is HERE! Enjoy! Thanks Guest stars! Check out their Instagrams here: Ben: https://bit.ly/3mKoi0v Kevin: https://bit.ly/2HirfoM Nigel: https://bit.ly/3iU37GY Kaleb: https://bit.ly/2sgielp Hannah: https://bit.ly/2VqculH Noah: https://bit.ly/2FkdNh8 Keith: https://bit.ly/2CXFSJI Check out http://www.GeographyNow.com ! You asked for merch so we made it for you! Become a patron! Donate to help pay for production of GN. You also get exclusive BTS footage, pics/ and access to other perks! Go to: http://patreon.com/GeographyNow Want to send stuff for Fan Friday episodes? Our public mailbox address is: 1905 N Wilcox ave, # 432 Los Angeles CA, 90068 SUBSCRIBE: http://bit.ly/1Os7W46 Follow GN social medias! Instagram: https://bit.ly/2YBniQN https://bit.ly/2qGdSqx Twitter: https://bit.ly/2PwZaL3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to Geography Now! This is the first and only Youtube Channel that actively attempts to cover profiles on every single country of the world. We are going to do them alphabetically so be patient if you are waiting for one that's down the road. CONTACT US if you are from a country that is coming up! Teach us! Email: GeographyLater@gmail.com Stay cool Stay tuned and remember, this is Earth, your home. Learn about it. #Singapore #Asia #Travel #Cool
Geography Now! SRI LANKA
855K views • over 3 years ago
For real though. Unless you're willing to get laser removal, don't visit if you have a Buddha tattoo. Thanks Guest stars! Check out their Instagrams here: Jenil: https://bit.ly/3fm2wP7 Art: https://bit.ly/2OejD6v Kaleb: https://bit.ly/2sgielp Hannah: https://bit.ly/2VqculH Noah: https://bit.ly/2FkdNh8 Keith: https://bit.ly/2CXFSJI Check out http://www.GeographyNow.com ! You asked for merch so we made it for you! Become a patron! Donate to help pay for production of GN. You also get exclusive BTS footage, pics/ and access to other perks! Go to: http://patreon.com/GeographyNow Want to send stuff for Fan Friday episodes? Our public mailbox address is: 1905 N Wilcox ave, # 432 Los Angeles CA, 90068 SUBSCRIBE: http://bit.ly/1Os7W46 Follow GN social medias! Instagram: https://bit.ly/2YBniQN https://bit.ly/2qGdSqx Twitter: https://bit.ly/2PwZaL3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to Geography Now! This is the first and only Youtube Channel that actively attempts to cover profiles on every single country of the world. We are going to do them alphabetically so be patient if you are waiting for one that's down the road. CONTACT US if you are from a country that is coming up! Teach us! Email: GeographyLater@gmail.com Stay cool Stay tuned and remember, this is Earth, your home. Learn about it. #SriLanka #Info #Travel #Asia
Geography Now! THAILAND
940K views • almost 3 years ago
It's "Thai-m" to learn Geography NOW! Thanks Cohosts! Check out their Instagrams here: Keith: https://bit.ly/2CXFSJI Kaleb: https://bit.ly/2sgielp Hannah: https://bit.ly/2VqculH Noah: https://bit.ly/2FkdNh8 Art: https://bit.ly/2OejD6v Check out http://www.GeographyNow.com ! You asked for merch so we made it for you! Become a patron! Donate to help pay for production of GN. You also get exclusive BTS footage, pics/ and access to other perks! Go to: http://patreon.com/GeographyNow Want to send stuff for Fan Friday episodes? Our public mailbox address is: 1905 N Wilcox ave, # 432 Los Angeles CA, 90068 SUBSCRIBE: http://bit.ly/1Os7W46 Follow GN social medias! Instagram: https://bit.ly/2YBniQN https://bit.ly/2qGdSqx Twitter: https://bit.ly/2PwZaL3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to Geography Now! This is the first and only Youtube Channel that actively attempts to cover profiles on every single country of the world. We are going to do them alphabetically so be patient if you are waiting for one that's down the road. CONTACT US if you are from a country that is coming up! Teach us! Email: GeographyLater@gmail.com Stay cool Stay tuned and remember, this is Earth, your home. Learn about it. #Thailand #Asia #Travel #Cool #info
Geography Now! VIETNAM
550K views • 10 months ago
The land of water. Welcome to #Vietnam.Check out the Regions video here: https://youtu.be/nEU-8AeBBbE Want to possibly come to Zimbabwe for the last episode? We are thinking of doing a group trip! If you think you might be willing to join, take the survey here and we will try to make it happen! https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/YLLZTZ5 Check out http://www.GeographyNow.com ! You asked for merch so we made it for you! Become a patron! Donate to help pay for production of GN. You also get exclusive BTS footage, pics/ and access to other perks! Go to: http://patreon.com/GeographyNow SUBSCRIBE: http://bit.ly/1Os7W46 Follow GN social medias! Instagram: https://bit.ly/2YBniQN https://bit.ly/2qGdSqx Twitter: https://bit.ly/2PwZaL3 Thanks Guest stars! Check out their Instagrams here: Art: https://bit.ly/2OejD6v Kaleb: https://bit.ly/2sgielp Hannah: https://bit.ly/2VqculH Noah: https://bit.ly/2FkdNh8 Keith: https://bit.ly/2CXFSJI Want to send stuff for Fan Friday episodes? Our public mailbox address is: 1905 N Wilcox ave, # 432 Los Angeles CA, 90068 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to Geography Now! This is the first and only Youtube Channel that actively attempts to cover profiles on every single country of the world. We are going to do them alphabetically so be patient if you are waiting for one that's down the road. CONTACT US if you are from a country that is coming up! For Business inquiries please contact GeographyBusinessnow@gmail.com Otherwise Teach us if you are from a country we are doing! Email: GeographyLater@gmail.com #Asia #Travel #information #education #geography Stay cool Stay tuned and remember, this is Earth, your home. Learn about it.