TIL: Some Sharks Can Glow In The Dark | Today I Learned
Dec 8, 2015
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National Geographic

Today I Learned | National Geographic Playlist

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TIL: These Birds Trick Others Into Raising Their Gigantic Kids | Today I Learned
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TIL: Why Do These Monkeys Have Big, Colorful Butts? | Today I Learned
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TIL: These Spiny Sea Creatures Can Regrow Lost Body Parts | Today I Learned
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TIL: Almost 40 Percent of New Yorkers Are Immigrants | Today I Learned
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TIL: Wild Lions Live in India | Today I Learned
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TIL: How to Play Matchmaker for Beautiful, Endangered Birds | Today I Learned
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TIL: This Volcano Has Erupted Almost Every Hour For 94 Years | Today I Learned
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TIL: King Cobras Are Cannibals | Today I Learned
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TIL: How Cookiecutter Sharks Eat Is Terrifying (Explained With Cookies) | Today I Learned
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TIL: Whale Poop Freshens Our Air | Today I Learned
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TIL: How to Transform Mars into Our Second Home | Today I Learned
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TIL: Why Mars's Ocean Disappeared | Today I Learned
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TIL: We Could Give Mars Our "Cooties" | Today I Learned
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TIL: Choosing a Mars Landing Spot is Harder Than You Think | Today I Learned
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TIL: Life Could Exist on Mars Thanks to Methane | Today I Learned
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TIL: Hummingbirds Are the World's Hungriest Birds | Today I Learned
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TIL: Lionfish Jewelry Can Help Save the Ocean | Today I Learned
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TIL: The B in BASE Jump Doesn't Stand for Badass (Amazing Footage) | Today I Learned
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TIL: Bees Could Help Save Elephants—By Scaring Them | Today I Learned
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TIL: Female Lions Synchronize Their “Periods” | Today I Learned
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TIL: Orangutans Build Comfy Nests to Sleep in | Today I Learned
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TIL: A Venomous Animal May Save Your Life | Today I Learned
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TIL: Cairo’s “Garbage People” Farm Their City's Trash | Today I Learned
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TIL: A Bumblebee's Buzz Is Basically a Superpower | Today I Learned
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TIL: You Can Smell Through Your Skin | Today I Learned
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TIL: There's Probably a Raccoon Living on Every City Block in North America | Today I Learned
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TIL: Mount St. Helens Has a Baby Volcano Inside It | Today I Learned
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TIL: Cicadas Can Damage Your Hearing | Today I Learned
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TIL: Why Do These Birds Eat Dirt? | Today I Learned
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TIL: 20% of Our Oxygen Comes From a Bacteria | Today I Learned
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TIL: Female Lions Are Attracted to Black Manes | Today I Learned
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TIL: We Waste One-Third of Food Worldwide | Today I Learned
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TIL: Dinosaurs May Have Danced Like Birds | Today I Learned
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TIL: Why Your Brain is Wrinkly | Today I Learned
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TIL: This Wasp Turns Prey Into Zombies | Today I Learned
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TIL: Archaeologists Are Coming for Your Trash | Today I Learned
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TIL: You Might Be Related to Genghis Khan | Today I Learned
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TIL: How Chameleons Change Color | Today I Learned
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TIL: Vultures Have to Eat Animals Butt-First | Today I Learned
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TIL: We Have Lost 50% of Wildlife Since 1970 | Today I Learned
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TIL: Some Sharks Can Glow In The Dark | Today I Learned
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TIL: Nuclear Waste Could Power the World for 72 Years | Today I Learned
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TIL: These White Sand Beaches Aren’t What You Think | Today I Learned
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TIL: If You Like Tequila, You Should Love Bats. Here’s Why. | Today I Learned
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TIL: That's No Moon. It's Aliens. (Maybe.) | Today I Learned
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TIL: The World’s Largest Migration Isn’t What You Think | Today I Learned
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TIL: From Fleece Jackets to Your Food: The Scary Journey of Microplastics | Today I Learned
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TIL: Why Is the Ocean Salty? | Today I Learned